And now a few math things you can practice with your child:
- finding numbers one less and one more than any given number
- finding numbers ten more and ten less than any given number (helping them see just the tens column changes up or down by one)
- order of months. Quiz them on things like "What month comes before April." "What is the next month after July" etc etc. They know this in Chinese, but the English could use some reinforcement
-telling apart the coins
We talked about how to ask and answer what school they go to and what grade they're in. It's still pretty fresh so they might not remember it completely tonight, but it would help them to review it.
To ask what school they go to, you say "Ni shang na ge xuexiao?"
They answer with "wo shang Calvin Smith xiaoxue"
我上Calvin Smith小学。
To ask what grade they're in, they can say "ni shang ji nian ji?"
And respond with "Wo shang yi nian ji"
Also for parents trying to learn Chinese, lingt has a new sight specially for Chinese learners that you might find helpful. Click on the link to the right if you are interested.
There was an interesting article this week in the NY Times about the incredible increase in Chinese language study here in the US that was insightful. The only downside to the article was that they didn't profile Ms. Chipman's classes.