Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What do you want to drink?

Ni yao he shenme?

We talked about drinks and what we want to drink. So help your child practice saying what they want to and don't want to do. "Wo yao" and "Wo bu yao"

Another item of business I feel is pretty important is something I learned at a district meeting for dual immersion teachers recently. Until then, I had been under the impression that the kids were not even to know that I can speak English, as had many others. But at the conference we were told that notion is both incorrect and unnecessary.  The children can and should know I speak it, but that I won't speak it during instruction time because them learning Chinese is that important.

They can know I am bi-lingual and that's what they are becoming too.

So let your child know that if they have a real problem or need to talk to me about something, that is alright. I will still not be using any English in giving instruction. But if they need to talk to me after class or have an emergency, I am aloud to speak with them. And to speak with parents who come in to volunteer.

Also, here's a site with some songs, books, and leveled readers you can print out and keep at home if you want some extra practice.


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