Wednesday, December 2, 2009


It was a great day today! I am so happy with the progress the kids are making not only in the language, but in being first graders. They are learning how to be good listeners, how to do their work, how to focus. It's so great to see! You should be proud of your children. I know I am :)

Today we practiced writing characters, telling time, sorting and graphing m&m's, counting coins, and worked with the week's vocabulary.

We also taught the other first grade classes the beginning of Pai Pai Shou for our sing along assembly on the 17th.

At home encourage your child to use as many chinese words for things as they can. Speaking "Chinglish" is a good thing to help they progress in language production.


  1. Thank You for all you are doing for our kiddos!! I am so impressed with what you are doing. So it turns out that I won't be able to help with the Christmas party after all. My new job is keeping me busy. Are thee moms that can step in?? If not I will give Jadynn's Dad a quick education on party planning...Let me know! Thanks, Tonya Lucero- Jadynn's Mom
