Thursday, March 18, 2010

Feedback requested

Here's how the lingt classroom site works.
If you click on the link to the right, it will take you to a page where you can select which class you're in (am/pm). Then look at the newest assignments/vocabulary. You can have your child practice telling you the sentences and words, then listen the recordings by clicking the blue speech bubbles. Your child can record their voice (so I can hear it too) by clicking on the gray bubble to the right.

Below is an example of what an assignment looks like
Not many people have been using the site so I am not sure if you don't know about it or if it isn't very useful. Please try it out and let me know what you think and if I should keep doing it. Thanks!

Let's eat!
Everyone likes to eat! Here's how to talk about it in Chinese.

I am hungry! Wo e le 我饿了

I want to eat! Wo yao chi 我要吃!

I am thirtsy! Wo ke le 我渴了!

I want to drink water Wo yao he shui 我要喝水。

(Always remember thank you xiexie 谢谢 and please qing )
voice input
voice input
voice input
voice input
What do you want to eat and drink?

饼干 bing gan cookies/crackers
巧克力 qiao ke li chocolate
面包 mian bao bread
牛奶 niu nai milk
糖果 tang guo candy
果汁 guo zhi juice
水果 shui guo fruit
汉堡 han bao hamburger
热狗 re gou hot dog
voice input

1 comment:

  1. I really like the site because it helps me to know he's saying things correctly. It also helps him to practice verbally and visually differently than I can do with flashcards because by recording he can hear himself and also compare it to the teacher voice. It's also fun for him to practice on his own. He has a good time using the recording feature. When there are books that go along with the vocab for the week, it is nice to hear them on the recording so if we forget a character we can be reminded. Thanks for trying to find so many ways to help the kids learn.
