Monday, March 29, 2010

Happy Spring Break!!

Remember tomorrow is a short day.

Have fun and be safe over the break. Again, homework is due the Friday after we get back (next Friday) and you should have the book Clean Clothes to practice.

As far as math goes, here are a few concepts to review with them:

Time to the half hour
Identifying and adding similar coins
Recognizing and extending patterns
Sorting objects according to one and two attributes
Equal portions

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I had a few parents ask about the better chinese readers (like the book your child read at parent teacher conferences). Here is a link to the site where you can read about them and purchase them if you are interested.

This this the series we use in the classroom and is primarily designed to help the kids become familiar with basic chinese words and sentence patterns.

The other series we use (the books that some of you have purchased and that get sent home every week) are from the Step by Step series put out by Susan Gong and her team at the BYU flagship program. These readers are slightly more difficult, introduce more vocabulary and sentence patterns, and cover science, math, and social studies concepts from the Utah state core curriculum for first grade.

Also just a heads up, tomorrow your child will get homework which will not be due until the Friday after spring break. They will also just keep the Clean Clothes book until then, so they can have more time to practice it.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Feedback requested

Here's how the lingt classroom site works.
If you click on the link to the right, it will take you to a page where you can select which class you're in (am/pm). Then look at the newest assignments/vocabulary. You can have your child practice telling you the sentences and words, then listen the recordings by clicking the blue speech bubbles. Your child can record their voice (so I can hear it too) by clicking on the gray bubble to the right.

Below is an example of what an assignment looks like
Not many people have been using the site so I am not sure if you don't know about it or if it isn't very useful. Please try it out and let me know what you think and if I should keep doing it. Thanks!

Let's eat!
Everyone likes to eat! Here's how to talk about it in Chinese.

I am hungry! Wo e le 我饿了

I want to eat! Wo yao chi 我要吃!

I am thirtsy! Wo ke le 我渴了!

I want to drink water Wo yao he shui 我要喝水。

(Always remember thank you xiexie 谢谢 and please qing )
voice input
voice input
voice input
voice input
What do you want to eat and drink?

饼干 bing gan cookies/crackers
巧克力 qiao ke li chocolate
面包 mian bao bread
牛奶 niu nai milk
糖果 tang guo candy
果汁 guo zhi juice
水果 shui guo fruit
汉堡 han bao hamburger
热狗 re gou hot dog
voice input

Monday, March 15, 2010


This week we are working with seasons and weather. The book sent home has lots of words about Spring in it, which we will be using in addition to other words related to other seasons.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Friday quiz

Tomorrow's quiz will consist of me saying a food word in Chinese and them drawing a picture of that food in response. So this week no character recognition or writing is required, just comprehension.

Keep asking your child to tell you what they are eating/drinking or what they want to eat or drink in Chinese.

Next week we will be talking about weather and seasons.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


This is a great week to ask your child to tell you all about food in Chinese.

They should know how to say:

I am hungry!
Are you hungry?

Do you want to eat this?
I want this.
I don't want this.
I like this.
I don't like this.
Fruits from last week

We're working on the following food vocab:

Cookies -- bing gan
chocolate--- qiao ke li
hamburger--- han bao
french fries-- shu tiao
juice-- guo zhi (zhrrr)
milk-- niu nai
chocolate milk-- qiao ke li niu nai
sandwich-- san ming zhi (zhrrr)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Lingt site working!

Click on the link to the right to begin. Practice your fruits this weekend, and more food (how to say it at least) will be on the way.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

End of Term

Also reminder that tomorrow is short day, so we will be out at 1:05.

Homework will be sent home tomorrow and due next Friday.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Week of Reading

We saw some awesome crazy hair today! Thank you Dr. Seuss

Reminder that tomorrow is crazy clothes (inside out/backwards)
and Thursday crazy socks and clothes with letters/words on them.

Read with your child tonight!

Monday, March 1, 2010


Here's how you say the birthday song. They all know how to sing it, so you can have them sing it for you as they look at these characters and practice character recognition.

A note went home today, hopefully you received it. If not, let me know and I'll send home another. It was about the classroom directory and a change being made as of this Friday.

Homework will now be sent home on Friday and due the following Friday, giving you a few extra days if you need them to be practicing the words and math skills.

This week we're working on Fruit names.

Grapes--- pu tao
Orange-- cheng zi or ju zi
Banana- xiang jiao
strawberry- cao mei
peach- tao
pear- li

And here's a list of the months to review with your child in both Chinese and English.

(images from