I had a few parents ask about the better chinese readers (like the book your child read at parent teacher conferences). Here is a link to the site where you can read about them and purchase them if you are interested.
This this the series we use in the classroom and is primarily designed to help the kids become familiar with basic chinese words and sentence patterns.
The other series we use (the books that some of you have purchased and that get sent home every week) are from the Step by Step series put out by Susan Gong and her team at the BYU flagship program. These readers are slightly more difficult, introduce more vocabulary and sentence patterns, and cover science, math, and social studies concepts from the Utah state core curriculum for first grade.
Also just a heads up, tomorrow your child will get homework which will not be due until the Friday after spring break. They will also just keep the Clean Clothes book until then, so they can have more time to practice it.